Tropical Roots: Tere Samayoa-Schwartzbart

Tere Samayoa Schwartzbart came to art later in life but knew that it was her calling. She now shares stories from her homeland, El Salvador, through her artwork and dedicated much of it to the tropical fruits she grew up with. She developed this exhibition to share the socioeconomic impact of fruit and simultaneously share the story of her life through analogy.

Marañónes, known to us as cashews, take front and center stage in this exhibition. Samayoa Schwartzbart delves into the multiple layers of significance during the opening reception. Did you know that cashews are actually seeds of a fruit and not technically nuts? Did you know that each fruit produces only one cashew and it takes great amounts of man-power and fruit to produce one can of cashews bought at the grocery store? Samayoa Schwartzbart explains the painstaking process of producing cashews and the impacts on workers involved across the world. She then explains the life cycle of the plant from flower bloom to fruit, to fully processed cashew she compares each stage to the stages of her life.